Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) asked us o develop a custom backend application for examiners and CII exam staff. It needed to be capable of managing examiner marks, student results and providing users with in-depth analytical reporting on student coursework and examination marks. With security and privacy of utmost importance, the system was secured by personal logins with varying access allowances, meaning only certain individuals with granted access could see sections of the system.
The system was designed to be extremely efficient at streamlining the examination process. Allowing examiners and staff to:
- Enter individual student’s marks into the system via the CMS
- See what marks had been uploaded and cross reference marks against each question
- Flagged and notified examiners which papers had potentially been above/below the marking threshold
- Generate exam papers and components, ensuring examiners have a set template for each exam paper
- Automatically allocate examiners with which student papers they had been assigned to mark
- We were also asked to implement an export system, whereby data was automatically converted into a CSV or XLS file so that further analysis could be carried out on Excel.
In terms of the system’s features for students:
- We implemented an auto email notification to notify students that their assignment is ready for marking, and then a subsequent email once marked
- The system provides detailed results for students with a marking breakdown and examiner comments for student feedback
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Telephone: +44 333 303 4737 (London, United Kingdom)