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Inclusion at Nocturnal Cloud: Pioneering Change in the UK IT Sector

With over two decades of experience, Nocturnal Cloud stands as a beacon of excellence in IT consultation, offering a comprehensive suite of services spanning web and app development, cross-platform marketing, cybersecurity, mobile solutions, and cutting-edge digital innovations. Our expertise spans diverse sectors, including broadcasting, e-commerce, finance, film, legal services, music, sports, and digital public relations. We understand the dynamic needs of modern businesses, from large corporations navigating market evolution and legislative changes to SMEs adapting to trends and unexpected challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a world where digital landscapes are increasingly complex and fragmented, Nocturnal Cloud stays ahead by monitoring the latest consumer trends and behaviors. We equip our clients with the most current information and innovative digital solutions, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant.

At our core, we are problem-solvers in the realm of IT. The rapid development of digital assets has transformed how we connect globally, with IT becoming the unofficial universal language. However, alongside this progress, significant issues have emerged, particularly concerning inclusion. The tech sector has struggled with representation across gender, ethnic minorities, disability, and age, impacting the very applications that shape our daily lives.

Despite strides towards workplace equality, women remain significantly underrepresented in the UK’s technology workforce. According to WISE, a UK think tank, only 23% of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) roles are occupied by women, and a mere 5% hold leadership positions in the technology industry. The BCS, The Chartered Institute of IT, reveals a broader diversity issue, with 18% of IT workers from BAME backgrounds, 11% of IT specialists having a disability, and 22% of IT workers being over 50. These statistics highlight that underrepresented groups often hold fewer senior roles and earn less than their counterparts despite higher levels of education.

At Nocturnal Cloud, we are committed to driving change and fostering inclusion within the UK’s tech sector. Our work is dedicated to not only advancing technology but also ensuring that this progress benefits everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, or age. By championing diversity and inclusion, we contribute to creating a more equitable and innovative digital future for all.